Tuesday, February 19, 2019

God or speech to text it's a work in progress

 It seems like today there's sort of three images of God of course there's a lot more images than that I mean everybody's got their own view of who God is and what he looks like and if he exists or not but when it was and I think there's a lot of scientist that actually hold of this they may not stay at but God is this guy who kicked everything off got it all started for us nice kick back with his feet up got his hands behind his head kind of kick back relaxing every once in awhile servings come by and drop grapes in his mouth stuff like that how do you spell basically just seeing how things turn out you know so that that that's one sort of an insurance or the guy who's going to have a lunch or whatever or just not involved The Other Extreme and and there's the image of the of the sky who's like super scary he's and he's an angry all the time lightning bolt flashing out of them all the time and stuff and I know he's zapping people and family doesn't really seem to have the right people very often right or if he does it like takes a long long time he's a terrible shot when you know that he's going to get everybody here he's that that's that's largely going to be his role as you know there's not going to be very much reward punishment and I like I'm stopping that stuff is going to happen in the first part there is a small element have had to of stuff goes on every day and you don't see God running around here pulling strings in stopping stuffers for kick-starting anything so then there's the third image of course which is and he would never want anything bad to happen to anyone and although bad happens he doesn't will it he he only if it's within his permissive will so he permits it based on some you know infant plan he's got going on which I think is probably true you know that's always true he's got an infant a plane going on or near infinite and a need to know he's just your friend and he just wants to give you a big hug and your let me pick you up and carry you just look so exhausted all you just had such a tough day in the sand is kind of hot we're walking on I don't want you to bring your little toes. I'll just kind of like I don't know oh my gosh you're my little lamb and I'm just going to okay in sure there's there is some element of that in him to send in there somewhere right is the guy who loves you and wants the best for you and he guys who is God well he's all that stuff and and he's infinitely more

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